Gracelend is located south of central Memphis, 20min drive from the Marriott and/or Beale Street. the drive is easy and highway. I was slightly handicapped (hungover) and still made it there. Parking is at the visitor center across the street and shuttle busses take you over to the home of the King of Rock and Roll. We did not do this next stop on this trip, but once done with Graceland- I really recommend Sun Records (http://www.sunstudio.com/index.aspx?bhcp=1). It's a real throw back studio, left pretty much intact. I think it was like $10 and very much worth the effort. Sun Records was the epi-center of where the Memphis part of Rock and Roll started (Elvss, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lewis). Quite the fun flashback.
Next up, back to Beale Street for luncheon. OK, that sounds a bit hoidy toidy for Beale....how about lunch at Alfred's? (http://www.alfredsonbeale.com/) Alfred's Bar & Grill on Beale was really kool. We ate on the patio (upstairs). From here the music from the bandstand about a half block away was blowing clear. The food and beer was good and - upon closer inspection of the toilets, I found the downstairs looked to be a happening place at night. (We discovered this true later - though were to late and buzzed to get into the joint.) I had to be a good boy at Alfred's, though they had my favorite beer (cold in a glass at a fair price an large selection to choose from). After 2 beers, I drove southeast of Memphis to pick up Berkley (Bradley) and head back to town for the evenings festivities.
For Saturday night we were joined by Suzanne, President of the Fox Chapter of the Outlaws Club #47240. Our target was Silky O'Sullivans (http://www.silkyosullivans.com/). Kathy and I had had ribs at Silky's a few years back and it was some of the best we had ever had. Dry rubbed, juicy, etc. So, that being said, let me tell it to you straight. Silky's is a great place to party, dueling pianos, great drinks, fair prices. Come here for bar food because, they've dropped off my list for ribs. My rack was a dry rubbed boiled rib, greasy (odd for having been boiled) and then grilled for a bit with a dry rub. THIS WAS NOT THE SAME. We still had a great time, drank just enough and maybe a little more. I think we were there for about 4 hours (whoo hoo).
As the night wound down, Suzanne and Bradley had to head home (SE Memphis) and we decided - always a good choice - to hit more bars and drink more. Did I mention I really like this town.
So, the night was late, couple more beers and Kathy and I had to crash and burn, one of us was falling off the bar stool and we had 10min to make the last trolley. Denny and Michelle held up the tradition and pressed on, we managed to catch the last train out of town (well, Trolley to the Marriott anyway). I was able to maintain my dental hygene this time and off to la la land. Next up, day four, the Colts and the long drive home - oopps - time change.
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