Denny, Michelle and Bradley in tow (maybe it was Kathy and I in tow) and off to the Famous Rendevous, Charles Vergo's Rendevous restaurant ( in an alley across the street from the historic Peabody Hotel, a Memphis landmark with it's famous Duck Walk (a real hoot). We arrived into the alley leading to Rendevous around 730pm, a bit late. The wait was 2 MSDT (Monty Shields Drinking Time), beer in this case.
There is a large hall upstairs where they serve groups and have parties. It is open, airy - wasn't heated when we were there and smells of smoked meat and beer (oh dern). The restaurant is in the basement on the right and left of the stairwell. When we were finally taken to our table, it was crowded, it was noisy, chaotic, smelled great and what fun. There was so much to take in, old photos, memorabilia, waiters and servers hustling about - so much eye candy. And the smell - close to Heaven.
Our waiter, Robert Sr. (Junior works there too) had been serving slabs here for 45 or 46 years.
Here is Kathy and Michelle (yes, eyes open) with Senior. (

A couple of random notes before I get to the rack. First, Bradley was really watching this group next to us, 12 guys at 3 tables shoved together. The apparently had had almost everything on the menu and a load of beer. I had noticed them getting ready to go, saw cash dropping on the table like bets in a 7-card stud game. What I didn't catch on to was this...when these guys got up to leave, Senior thanked them and then he and 3 servers descended on the tables. Bradley clocked them. In just over 3 minutes, the tables were cleared, cleaned, separated, new table clothes and within 3-4 more minutes were full with new clientele. IMPRESSIVE!
Bradley asked for french fries. "Say what? Didn't you read the sign boy? This ain't McDonald's? This is a rib joint." Kathy asked for Coors seeming disgust, Senior yells to the bar "Need one of them Silver Bullets over here!" Be prepared to be treated joint style - very friendly joint style. It's a tourist trap, a very famous and busy tourist trip, and I wouldn't miss fact...I will be back. Now, on to the food.
We had a meat and cheese tray to start with, Rack of Ribs and Slaw. Nothing fancy about any of this, it ain't McDonald's you know. I have no complaints about any of the food. I won't brag on it nor cut it down. The ribs had a fantastic taste, served dry with the famous rub. We got there late on a Friday night, so I will give them a break on the fact that the ribs were over done. The slaw and meat tray were OK (no like I came there to eat them anyway). I will go back, again and again for this reason. I felt comfortable, I was awed by the service and the history of it all. The taste was good, the smells were good and all my senses were very happy. 'Nuf said.
Dinner done - the night was a pup. So, it's 10pm, you're in Memphis...what's a boy (and girl) to do? DUH - Beale Street. Beer, Blues, BBQ - 1 down and 2 to go. For those who have not been, I am no expert, but after 5 or 6 runs down/up this street, if you want to party and have a good time, Blues, Rock, R&B, soul, dancin' and jammin', drinking and talking - THIS IS DA PLACE.

The happenin' part of Beale is about 5-6 blocks long. When I have been there on Friday and Saturday nights, they close it off on both ends of the party - no traffic. You just walk down the middle of the street and have at it. Now, at this point, I do have a bit of a memory loss issue, but it seems like on Friday they sell a bracelet for $xx (memloss) and it is good for the cover charge at most of the joints. It does not seem (memloss) that this was offered Saturday night.

Anyway, top of the Beale (west end) sits BB Kings ( Needless to say, we needed no bracelet, paid one cover ($5) each and in we went. We had a table on the first floor (there are two) on the other side of the stage. I have been seated here before and like it. Close to the head (turlet), gets good waiter service, easy access to the dance floor when duty calls. The band here is always excellent. Not always old Blues, often R&B - but always good. The artists really rock, they play good tunes and are all excellent in what they play. Oddly enough, this Friday night had BB King's niece playing, a fine singing young lady who had just sang for a Batesville Casket meeting and Kathy had arranged the whole thing - small planet.
Needless to say, we danced, drank adult beverages, met a nice man from Chicago and his lady from Phoenix. Drank some shots and said good bye.
From Beale it was a 3 block walk to the trolley, $1 and 6 stops and we were dropped off right at the front/back door of our hotel. Now if I could just remember my room number.
Update on Graceland, Alfred's, Silky O'Sullivans and instructions on how to pass out on a trolley in the next edition.
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