Hello all - it's Christmas time 2008 (yes, I can see the date above and this is about 10 months old - but - what the heck, I gotta start sometime. Christmas for us each year includes our own Christmas here at home, then the Burkhart family and finally the Shields'. I am starting this post with the Shields' trip to Seymour, which occurred 3rd, but which will appear right once I get the other two in - did that make sense.
Seymour 2008 was at Mike & Katie's house. It's always an adventure in food, drink and a good time. This year was no exception. A lot smaller than the Burkhart party, we make up for it in food and fun. Here are our hosts.

Josh and Grandma spend some time together. Grandma sharing wisdom, Josh smiling and trying to act like he is buying what she's selling.

No matter how far away they get, the cousins (Brent & Josh) can always communicate by email.

Here we see technology at it's finest. Grandpa has his listening device turned up, Josh emails Brent who in turn sends a text to Jacob who can download an ITune to put on Mitch's new sunglasses with MP3 player. And to think we had cassettes until a few years ago ("Dad, what are cassettes?")

Mitch shows Aunt Kathy how he makes creme brulee. He is very good at it. Check out Mike's blog on how to easily make creme brulee (

Finally it's time for presents. Mom always wants to be the first opened - wait - the first to open.

The Grandparents and their grandsons.

Finally, two guys who really don't need to eat and drink any more, prepare to - yes - eat and drink more. First, it's time to prepare to cook (likker up the cooks). Mike has decided we will take on Gorden Ramsey's (Hell's Kitchen) Beef Wellington recipe.

John volunteers to supervise (time to likker up the supervisor).

It was a great Christmas with family. Hope you enjoy the shots. And, since I can, here is a late present to Sara and Danielle. You'll know why when you see this picture. By the way, they are now appearing at a college campus north of you.
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