Merry Christmas!
OK - 10 months in the making, but here we go. This was posted last, but this is our Shields family Christmas and below you will find the Burkhart and then the Shields of Seymour posting. I hope you enjoy.
Christmas at our house always starts with subterfuge (we sneak back home at some point when the boys aren't paying attention and mysteriously the presents all appear. Sometimes we have friends (thanks Andi) do it, sometimes family (thanks John, Deanna, Rick & Suzanne and countless others). It used to work -but alas, the boys have finally figured it out. I would venture a guess that they would be disappointed if we didn't at least try.
Next up, we have the picture session preceding the "opening of the gifts". As you can tell, Josh really enjoys this part of the festivities.

I on the other hand was quite enjoying myself. This, I am sure, had nothing to do with the cocktails and fine dinner at Joey at Betty's before we came home. Or for that matter, the Maker's Mark and tinkling ice in the glass you can't see in this shot.
Since it is always about the kids, we let the child among us open first.
Ahh yes, two 5-lb weights. I am sure to score real points with this gift.
Kathy came upon a really neat idea for the boys. We removed from their drawers all the t-shirts from days gone by (she had been doing this since June). Each shirt was cut/sized and then quilted together to make a keep sake. Along with Josh and Jake's shirts were several of Joey's to add a particularly special touch.
Jacob and his styling hat with ears.
Another tradition is the clue gift. Each year, someone gets the brilliant idea to have a series of cluse and make the recipient chase around the house trying to figure out where the next clue, what and where the next clue and eventual present is. I have to admit starting this and this year I got a good dose of my own medicine.
Jacob was particularly proud of himself at this point.
I, on the otherhand was a bit confused (Marker's Mark?)
No, they didn't get me a Jeep. But I can see the present!
Now we're talkin! Blue Ray!
And movies too! I am such a kid!
Finally, after what will be known as the Dumbell Incident of 2008, I had to pull one out of my @$$ to save the day. There was only one option remaining........
Thge 2-disc comeback special, remastered and in living color with unseen footage!
Touchdown! Life is good.
If you look close up, you can see the crinkle in the left eye area.
Ahh, and now the Kleenex.
Merry Christmas at the altar of Elvis! Santa would have been proud. Whew.
Merry Christmas to all! (Happy Halloween for you date purests).
Back with Key West next! Thanks for visiting.
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